Friday, June 6, 2008

Progress in Teaching

My motivation today in Second Life (TM) was to focus on the training material for student instructors as well as material for already seasoned instructors. In the process of developing two notes which are not complete mind you, I have had several suggestions brought to me by Fermi Sandbox Staff, an SL Teachers Without Borders member and an Second Life (TM) Mentor.

Their suggestions are as followed:
From Bosco: If you use notes for your class you do not have to be stuck behind a keyboard typing. Its easier and more consistent for a teacher to use notes.

From REW: She hopes we can develope a sign that posts the Values of the build while the build is happening. This is a real brilliant idea.

From Toady: Remember Teaching Etiquette, always be pleasant and professional.

From Contessa: Maybe have a no copy no trans display added to their supplies to refer to for future purposes.

I worked on a Beginners Suggested Guide to Teaching. And a Notecard on Suggestions.

Now if you are an instructor or student of building courses on Second Life and you have a suggestion that is beneficial for all teachers and all schools I am all ears. This paperwork will be a SLT resource and teacher training tool for all workforces in the educational communities of Second Life (TM).

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