Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Even more Harrassment

I am finding people are mis-quoting my text to prove their agenda. They are spreading vicious rumors about ACES without any proof. I can not be linked to any Redzone or Greenzone because I do not own them. I am not about to tell anyone to not buy anything or to boycott anything simply because its obvious. Linden Labs has the power and everyone posting with a rational mind have stated they are waiting for Linden Labs to give a final word on the situation to end the drama.

Aces does not own any of the sims in it's network. Not one network member has come to me creating drama. All of the issues are from outside of Aces and tormenting our reputation without really proving we have any redzone or greenzone to begin with.

I have found the same blog posted about me in 3 locations. Those wrongfully oppressing innocent people and pestering others.

Jovial hasn't even been online and doesn't really know what RedZone or Greenzone is. How can we endorse it if her and I aren't in the same page. Goodlord give me a break ~ LOL ~ JeZe

I will stay neutral in the decisions about both products until Linden Labs pipes in.

My response to the recent harassment in Fetlife blogs and a UK blog.

ACES isn't condoning redzone ACES is simply waiting for Linden Labs to announce their decisions on it. Our etiquette and policy has always posted something to the context of we won't take sides of any dispute. I personally do not like the idea of people coming to my land snooping around to see if I have any of those programs, which I do not and find it offensive to think that I said I support RedZone when that is simply not the case. I stated a neutral stance and understand that people want to protect themselves both ways. Aces official comment is we aren't endorsing either product. And I might add, we are waiting for Linden Labs to make an announcement officially on the subject to be educated and acknowledge the expectations of all citizens in Secondlife. Greenzone and Redzone both have their drama. I don't support either of them. So back off!

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