Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Since June

The Teachers Orientation I had several months ago was so well received that the ideas that I modelled at this event I spearheaded in coordination has become an example to others to model in their own ways. I created a presentation slideshow of the orientations agenda which was never done before at FSBU. Arthur Built the Headquarters so that we could build a teachers resource area and training area (Which the resources have been removed just this last week due to sim-lag. and most likely these tools will be relocated to SLT headquarters instead for all educators upon approval) and we had great spearheaded discussions led by Kai Eldritch, Bosco Gray, Northlight Sodwind and Arthur Fermi. I pretty much kept the momentum going by being used to this style of educational conference. Always give credit where credit is due I owe Athur and Kai a bunch of gratitude for allowing me the freedom to lead that event. Now that the past is where it is. The momentum for knowledge base advancement has become more of a need in the managment realm of FSBU. Which I am an admin due to being responsible for education in the sandbox. However the delegation has chose to filter towards Advisors. Which allows me to focus on the education base of FSBU. Talks of facilitating a SL Teachers Without Borders Teachers Training seminar at this venue as well.

A few months back Arthur and I discussed events in the sandbox that nuture Fermi conciousness and community involvement relating to all aspects of the sandbox business. From the Builder to the store owner, to the history of the sandbox, the volunteer system of the sandbox and the education base.

The voice of need and reason have been heard. The coordinating skills that were used an example are being facilitated to other individuals to take leadership in their own ways. In some ways this is good it facilitates stewardship and a nurturing leadership fostering community involvement. (Not so off base from the idea and concept of SL Teachers without Borders)

As of yesterday we had a meeting of the Admins. Several Admins have taken liberty to be leaders making these subjects work for the Mangers of the sandbox. Theres a need for a level of consistency in the group and this community event will make everyone aware of the expectations.

In experience with facilitation and conference leadership I have noticed the positive efforts can lead to two directions. Im just reminded of my personal clauses and aspire to be successful as an individual star that blazes in a company of them.

I will be posting a blog about the subject of Copyrights, DMCA and Awareness of Content Creation Laws. It will be utilized at Fermi but will become a SLT resource for all instructor.

My goals as Dean: (In addition to teaching classes)

To Gather the interested in creating classes that are really a need in our group:

Basic Knowledge of SL
Basic Knowledge of SL TOS
Holiday classes
Advanced Level Courses (More instructors teaching them)
Intermediate level courses
& Beginner Level Courses
Facilitating the Tutor program
as well as coordinating Conferences, Lectures, Discussions and Alternative Courses.
Not to mention Build Contests (hosted by Arthur Fermi)
Sandbox Games such as Primtionary
or the ever so popular Speed Build Events.

Establish a resource for Sl Teachers without Borders that focuses on where to go to learn certain tools about building, avatar development & more.

Its pretty late and this is a last minute ramble before I sleep.

I taught 5 classes in 7 days:
Pole of Submission class for a private mature sim
Permissions discussion
Snowy the Penguin Emitter
Snowman Snowglobe
Nadu Cushion class for a private mature sim.

The snowglobe class filled the sim. No one could get in for an hour LOL!

I do belive my work is done for the day. Not to mention the hours dedicated to teaching & coordinating events and posts for the Sandbox and University.

My Real Life has been increadibly busy the last month. With Coordinating a Ball, and this coming weekend a drum circle event and the following 2 other events and some medical issues being taken care of as well. Its no wonder I ever sleep at all.

I love what I do mind you. I am not complaining.

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