Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Even more Harrassment

I am finding people are mis-quoting my text to prove their agenda. They are spreading vicious rumors about ACES without any proof. I can not be linked to any Redzone or Greenzone because I do not own them. I am not about to tell anyone to not buy anything or to boycott anything simply because its obvious. Linden Labs has the power and everyone posting with a rational mind have stated they are waiting for Linden Labs to give a final word on the situation to end the drama.

Aces does not own any of the sims in it's network. Not one network member has come to me creating drama. All of the issues are from outside of Aces and tormenting our reputation without really proving we have any redzone or greenzone to begin with.

I have found the same blog posted about me in 3 locations. Those wrongfully oppressing innocent people and pestering others.

Jovial hasn't even been online and doesn't really know what RedZone or Greenzone is. How can we endorse it if her and I aren't in the same page. Goodlord give me a break ~ LOL ~ JeZe

I will stay neutral in the decisions about both products until Linden Labs pipes in.

My response to the recent harassment in Fetlife blogs and a UK blog.

ACES isn't condoning redzone ACES is simply waiting for Linden Labs to announce their decisions on it. Our etiquette and policy has always posted something to the context of we won't take sides of any dispute. I personally do not like the idea of people coming to my land snooping around to see if I have any of those programs, which I do not and find it offensive to think that I said I support RedZone when that is simply not the case. I stated a neutral stance and understand that people want to protect themselves both ways. Aces official comment is we aren't endorsing either product. And I might add, we are waiting for Linden Labs to make an announcement officially on the subject to be educated and acknowledge the expectations of all citizens in Secondlife. Greenzone and Redzone both have their drama. I don't support either of them. So back off!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Continuity of Harrassment

In regards to Forceme's post about me being a supporter of redzone. I never paid either product and do not own them. She has broken down my words to suit her agenda and defend herself.
This cut and paste below is my personal opinion on the matter of Green/Red Zone and my personal opinion about how Forcme creates drama.

In response to the topic of "The owner of ACES supports RedZone."
I support the freedom to choose. I support your freedom to post information on your blogs. Not force an agenda on two groups of program users when all of the facts are not concrete.

I do not own greenzone I do not own redzone. I assume your visit to ACES in the last 2 weeks is to see if I ran either program with your Greenzone or Redzone hud. You have proven yourself to make trouble showing up at sims you do not even frequent. You approach those owners of those sims (or breeze by un-noticed)and chart logs of those conversations in your blog.

For a year I watched you in the ACES Group. Regardless of how you base your opinions of the ownership you were allowed to be there until you chose to leave.

From this behavior of posting logs stating that there are thieves in the Aces ownership. To your face I say this, your teaching ethics are flawed. I am not perfect either I am not the pompous ethical know it all you proclaim me to be. You never offered that clarity to me. In fact you write these blogs to proclaim I am saying something that I am not. I will state plainly. “Your conduct is criminal.” Yet I am convinced that if such interaction happens, you would state a based opinion breaking apart the entire conversation in personal critique without clarification. You do not provide solutions to problems. You are the creator of your experience in Secondlife. You choose to either escalate your problems or not.

Linden Labs is not responsible for 3rd parties obtaining IP Information. I suspect the same reasons why they aren't responsible for you posting private chat-logs in blogs. You passive aggressively write blogs attacking the character of people. Users are responsible for their information they obtain, and how they use it. That includes both Green & Red zone. As I am responsible for writing this comment.

Two wrongs do not make it right. Maybe linden labs will come to a conclusion on the subject of both Red & Green Zones and the vicious behavior people have by forcing an agenda when people have the right to choose. I do not endorse your behavior. I certainly won't take sides of either program. There are pros and cons in both circumstances. Otherwise people would not be using both programs. I do not care if someone knows that I have more than 1 avatar. I am accountable for myself. ACES does not endorse either program period.

Privacy in SecondLife (from the source)


Quoted from Linden Labs's clarification on IP addresses.

Information Displayed to or Collected By Other Users

Certain account information is displayed to other users in your Second Life profile, and may be available through automated script calls and application program interfaces. This information includes your account name, account type, the date your account was established, whether or not you are currently online, user rating information, group and partner information, and whether or not you have established a payment account or transaction history with Linden Lab. Further, you agree and understand that Linden Lab does not control and is not responsible for information, privacy or security practices concerning data that you provide to, or that may otherwise be collected by, Second Life users other than Linden Lab. For instance, some services operated by Second Life users may provide content that is accessed through and located on third party (non-Linden Lab) servers that may log IP addresses.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Red-Zone issue and Harrassment (in regards to Forceme's post in her blog)

I publicly posted the comments below in Forcme Silverspars blog. I do not publicly endorse her behavior in the blog. Her reputation speaks for itself in her own words in her own space. I have every right to post the comments I made to her here in my personal blog. She has overstepped her boundaries and can not forgive people for not taking action the way she expects them to. In the end, karma can bite hard, and be swift. Pondering getting a lawyer at this time. For advice on the matter. She is stating a "ACES OWNER" is a thief. When in education there is loads of curriculum in the world that is out there for people to adapt. Jovial respected Forceme. Honored her words as an educator. Thought very fondly of her. Until she strikes at Jovial for adopting a few of the words Forcme used in order to educate. I would see this is a great honor. Jovial never took credit for saying those were of her own words and of her own life. She simply adopted words that related to how she felt and certainly removed the information once asked. Forever "Dubbed" a thief. When the truth is. Adopting curriculum isn't thievery unless the person proclaims "I wrote this. I get the kudos for writing this." That simply isn't the case. This ordeal was well over a year ago where Forceme simply can not understand. That the issue has been over once she asked Jovial directly to stop using the information. I'm sorry but if Forceme thinks her info is straight from herself. I sincerely doubt her information is from personal experience. I have every right to think this. Because there were tools laid out for her to teach, tools and information she adapted into her own curriculum. I have NEVER attended a Forceme class and at this point in time have no intention to ever attend. She has not one ounce of support for educators outside of her personal agenda. Is out for her own fame and glory and doesn't support cooperative education due to her axes to grind with her personal dynamic issue and insecurities with Jovial. I want her to stop this behavior and attack and harassment of ACES. (Cut and paste) End of my rant.

Written 2/13/11

I personally do not care what Sim owners want to do on their land they pay for. They can strictly have their land group access only or have it be public. They have every right to allow anyone they want or do not want on their land and ban them for it. There are plenty of chat programs that hosts a persons' internet provider address. The issue is people want to tell sim owners how to run their Sims.

I do however take into account that you are saying that an ACES owner is a Thief when you actually had been told frankly and directly the information Jovial adapted into her curriculum was removed. You have this behavior like you want someone to grovel to you and say they are sorry. No one owes you a thing Forceme. You are putting yourself above all in education. When as a Real Life educator and a person who uses curriculum understands its a great honor to know the information that was used to educate period. I sincerely doubt you use information you found from real life experiences in BDSM. You have every right to your opinion. Jovial is no thief as well as you are certainly not co operative in education. You have not an ounce of forgiveness in your bloodstream and can not let things go. You are out for yourself and have earned a NON RED ZONE BAN in the ACES parcel. Jovial's behavior is her own as is mine. I am accountable for what I do and say. As are you. ~ JeZeBeLe Dagger

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Proposal: Free Online Survey Programs

A little clarity about the online survey proposal: We know people have alts and people will do things to make the information in the survey not as accurate as it can be. This isn't a medium for voting its a medium to get a general population feedback from the citizens of Zindra hopefully inspired to build communities of support.




Questions such as:
What type of parcel do you own in Zindra?
a. rented
b. commercial
c. owned

Sim owner or parcel?
a. sim
b. parcel

If you are in the commerical business in Zindra what is your current concern?
a. No traffic
b. other scripts in the sim effecting my vending
c. Everything is fine
OTHER: (Drop down list)

If citizens of Zindra were to host a event or festival would you volunteer?
a. yes
b. no

Have you any interest in being involved in the welfare of Zindra in Secondlife?
a. yes
b. no

Do you have any problems with attending Blondin Lindens meetings Mondays at 11am in Zindra for planning, decision making and bringing him agenda items of concerns?
a. yes
b. no

Agenda Items proposal for Zindra OH Meetings

The diagram currently used at the OH Meetings are being sent as transcripts to the Zindra Alliance Group. This process of scribing meeting data is not professional. The structure of the meetings in the logs tend to denote that the meetings are not on target and often have aggressive and abusive comments without moderation. To keep the meeting structured.
Proposal: To establish a meeting scribe to professionally write the meeting agenda, followed by an addendum of updates as to who is commenting, suggesting, or proposing ideas. Transcripts are a poor method of saying "In agreement, agenda item, has been solved." To eliminate the abuse by having a posting etiquette guideline for the group. To moderate the meetings to stay on target.

Zindra Survey:
There is a lack of communication input from the variety of parcel and sim owners in Adult Mainland. These individuals are not represented at the OH Meetings. To provide a method of communication to those not plugged into the Expo group by personally greeting and delivering documentation about the goals of the group.
Proposal: To contact Zindra residents with information about the Zindra culture and begin networking processes to create interpersonal relationship in the form of networking by survey. To get an idea of what Zindrans want in the culture of Zindra. (In regards to events, current affairs, and mainland concerns). Giving the Zindra citizens a knowledge that the Zindra Expo group exists.

Mediators and Moderators:
There are schisms and trust issues in the current planning of Zindra Expo group. Those schisms have been destroying the trust of citizens of Zindra for each other. We need to reduce the drama in the group.
A group of advocates willing to help be the communication liaison for the individuals who have the schism. That are not currently spearheading any topic proposal or event for the Zindra expo. Giving more stewardship towards the group versus the back biting, and abuse. By virtue of also moderating the meetings and chat within the Expo group.

A Letter Written To Blondin & Zindra

Dear Blondin and the Citizens of Zindra,

I've sent you several notecards with no response. The purpose of those cards is to point out the flaws of Zindra in its cultural growth as well. As point out the obvious issues mainland has concerning an individuals understanding of building, and not over using the resources to promote their space at the cost of effecting others from having a pleasant experience in Secondlife on their own personally owned parcels.

􀀀(The notecard called Sustainble Zindra ??) Posted here in the letter. However I will cut and paste the notecard at the end of this letter on the blog.

Secondly, I do honestly not believe everyone in Zindra is being recognized at the OH Meetings for their concerns or even needs as citizens of Zindra. For one, the meeting times for Zindra OH meetings and Zindra Alliance meetings are often during the week hours and early hours of the day. Where people like me concerned about the culture of Zindra are left to be unheard or mis represented at the meetings by people who can not represent concerns by the citizens like me. Secondly, the citizens of Zindra Expo going through all of the drama due to cultural differences without any process of eliminatng the drama to move forward and focus on the goal of making people choose to make their personal spaces in Zindra places of interest and attraction. Thirdly, the method of transcripts provided to the general population as a means of notes or Meeting Minutes is very long winded. These transcripts are full of anger, agression and attacks to the personal character of the citizens actively attending your meetings. This is a poor example of people aspiring to be mentors and creating their own mentor groups in Secondlife to represent my culture in Zindra.

I am writing you this letter in concern. I admittedly feel that Lias and Ginette have wonderful ideas and not always do they represent the general attendance let alone the 300 plus (ADULT) rated sims. If you had feedback from the ownership of those 300 sims directly as to their needs and goals as citizens that would be one thing. To have two schizm'ed groups the "ZA and ZE" at constant angst and manipulative agression only causes the community citizens to be exposed to abuse.

I ask that you create a guideline for your meetings. To be clearly stated how the meetings can be proactive, non discriminatory and focus on the agenda alone. The extra dribble in the commentaries of the community do one thing only, they water down the issues at large.

Zindra is a culture that is being manipulated by the actions of a few people. Maybe they own sims in (Adult) regions. I would suggest a survey for sim owners to respond to whomever is the secretary and scribe of both groups. I strongly suggest creating a 3rd group that represents the mentor group that Ginette aspires to create. I support Lias in her aspirations in being proactive as a "Mainland Mentor," as much as I would support Ginettes aspirations to create a "Zindra Mentor" group. Both want to create their own communties. Yet they are not willing to work together through their cultural differences to redirect the agressiveness that has been in existance since the schism from ZE that has motivated the Zindra Alliance.

I do believe if we are to work together to make a better existance in Zindra. We are to do just that. Put aside the cultural differences. Set examples by modelling them and focus on the needs of the people vs the petty warfare of the issues between the leadership of the groups by their example of taking sides vs working side by side.

If we as citizens are to be successful in Zindra. We would network and lead our personal groups by example. There are plenty of (ADULT) sims that are focused on that very thing. Working as adults for adults to help the enrichment of the citizens who support those specific causes.

I honestly feel that the meetings are forgetting about the culture and focusing on eventeering versus the redirection of the decline of Zindra civilization. There are businesses, families, homes, cultural arts, and the seven wonders of Zindra yet to be untapped.

If you are to support our community by being a voice between us and the Linden Labs. Please take these words as a suggestion to change the meeting style of the OH Meetings, have a group of mediators that can effectively bridge the gaps between the schizm'ed groups and create more sub group meetings to focus on the incline of Zindra population.

As a citizen of Zindra, a mentor of severl groups in this avatar and another, a coordinator of network. I know for a fact that people can work together and still take care of their personal business without drama or effulgence. Be so kind to take these words as an Agenda Item for the future Zindra OH meetings and please choose well who is to represent our culture.

The Ego of Zindra is being misrepresented by its leadership and community. The transcripts are a poor example of effective meeting management.
I personally do not want to read logs. I would prefer to read notes that say "So and so has proposed this agenda item." Open the item to the community and create a mediator position that would in fact help that community meeting membership focus on clear information and decision making processes to benefit our culture.

Thank you for your time,
JeZeBeLe Dagger, Adult Community Education Society

The information below is credited to Reverand Matthias of IVC & JeZeBeLe Dagger upon surveying the land Zindra for a pannel discussion planned for the Expo that did not happen. The idea of this dicussion will be branched out into Zindra & Adult Educational events in relationship to the issues that effect mainland parcels & privately owned parcels that are wanting to try methods of implementation that result in successful sustainability long term. The decline of Secondlife Civilization as we see 1/3 of the mass of Zindra being up for sale. Shows there is a need for change.

My understanding of the ultimate goal of Zindra Expo
The ultimate goal of this festival was to focus on getting people from the neighboring areas out of Adult & Non Zindra related SecondLife areas to come check out the event and absorb the culture that we have. People know Zindra is about sex & adult living and the issues with Zindra go farther than an issue of being adult verified in order to enter the Sim. (That's the worst excuse known to mankind to be perfectly honest) Linden labs should have a knowledge base of exactly how many individuals have adult verified. The issues with Zindra is that the land itself is messy. All mainland is known as the "Projects" of SecondLife an lower end lower economy space with less rights for individuals who own the land. Technically no one owns the land because they are paying taxes known as tiers and if they do not pay they lose their land. Technically leasing is what the owners of land are doing. Let's break this information down further shall we:

In conducting a survey of mainland in general several individuals have found these subjects to be true and obvious:

Mainland Sims & parcels:
Over use resources that draw the experiences of others to have harder times enjoying their owned spaces.
The idea of sustainable community is practically non existent
There are no living examples or models of sustainable communities that span beyond 2 Sims owned by multiple individuals of separate groups. Sustainable Terra-culture is not happening in The grid people are out for their own interests and own agendas.

The complaints from users & businesses is that when they moved to Zindra there is a decline in sales. There were no members who said they were successful at sales in Zindra except for the land barons who know the processes of ebb and flow, marketing and sales.

In an aerial view of Zindra you will notice that the space is centered on sex, Rooftops have words like Free Sex painted on the roofs. This is a method of getting people to not come to those spaces. The general buyer knows what they want and knows how to search to find what they are needing in their inventories. People are using the SL Google maps as a billboard Ad. (not quite like the adfarms (Advertising Farming Practices, highly discouraged and distasteful) of yesterday still in the same flavor)

Distasteful advertising destroys community sustainability. Technically we are killing ourselves by not marketing effectively and creating a visual aesthetic that says, adult living is tasteful and also includes sex.

Private adult Sims have figured this out ages ago and have developed their terraforming and land to really reflect a quality of the space. For some reason linden labs does not want to give this benefit to mainland parcels. Which results in ugly parcel management.

Technically when Zindra had been created the land was instantly stigmatized as Gutter, not only because its a mainland parcel, but because people were being discriminated against Similar to concentration camps and thrown into a separate space denoting that they are doing is wrong or bad. Theres an online survey that for every non sexual web-page in the internet there are 5 sexual or adult webpages.

The whole of Zindra, the members, the owners, the clubs the community are not being respected. Upper hierarchy has a problem with sharing fame or glory or giving credit to where it is due.
The process

In charting data for the Zindra Expo in relationship to the conditions of Zindra at large the data exhibits that there is plenty population of real life users in SecondLife including alternative avatars that have generated enough incomes to survive on their own. Those who bring their SecondLife into real life as a real generated income have been using certain systems that work for them to create a general flow of income stimulating their personal economy.

The need for education on the issues of Mainland and marketing is crucial beyond this subject the concept of community support is detrimental due to the decline of civilization in mainland as we know it.

At least 1/3 of the continent is up for sale.
No great population of people are in consensus neighboring each other creating a "country." of established individuals keeping each other in sustainable living and cross promoting each other to keep each one alive.

The concept of sustainable living in culture is like Agriculture farming....
Agriculture farming for example feeds a major percentage of the world in real life. There is an existing competitive force, however it takes several vegetables and fruits to make a salad.
Now, saying this think about it. How many of these vegetables & fruits compliment each other and how many of these farmers cross promote each other? This is the underlying issue of Zindra success in business establishments. Its also an issue in Mature & PG mainland as well.

Zindra circumstance and economy is no different than what is happening in the Real Life. If the continent becomes successful, the community does and the businesses and people are. People want attractive vibrant communities to be involved in. Yet 1/3 of the continent for sale results in it being empty, ugly and devoid.

Residents are fractionating themselves by being internally fractionating (This is evident in the coordination and implementation of the Zindra Expo & Unzipped Expo). Creating opposing yet Similar goals without operational savvy. Which is a prime model and example of a salad not having more than one fruit or vegetable in its ingredients.

Organic growth is necessary for any group to survive or even any series of groups to survive. Residents who treat the environment as a group co operational continent will prove themselves more effectively successful. Working together creating substantial growth in a sim and grow outward. Get land equally and proportional and agree to be on the same page as each other. Make it happen and be an example to the rest of Zindra. Its this kind of community support that is noticed. Role models of success substantially impact the influence of how others work in their sub cultures and environments.

If the continent becomes successful in the community would in fact people be intersted in participation?

If 1 percent of the 350 sims are the model and example of organic sustainability, would this idea in turn be a model and example to the rest of the Grid?

Since the beginning of ownership in sims PG, Mainland, Private, Mature, & Adult. A relatively new area has not been operational to the point of not needing help from Linden Labs to clean up technical interface issues as well as determine ongoing issues in those areas. The need for a association between Linden Labs & the Customer base is also essential to the preservation of the Society of SecondLife.

It takes energy to create a large corporation for successful results. A multiple sim, cultural corporate residential community becomes a public face by organic growth and expansion. It takes education to prove this can work, with a model, example and ongoing educational events promoting the idea beyond its barriers. If people cant stand together and cultivate and deal with the issues by the means they are operating in consensual and co-operational process. Then they are fibbing to themselves pretending they are helping society as they are milking the wealth of others.

A noticeable presences in a sector of the prominent community in fact proves societal:

Co operation Trust and Unity

In closing, there is more to even touch the surface of the underlying issues of why mainland Sims are not successful in SecondLife. Be it, marketing practices, how people treat others, and how the economy is in its current circumstance. It seems using the ideas of real society to promote operational growth would work in SecondLife if people have the wits and openness to be willing to try.

JeZeBeLe Dagger, Adult Community Educational Soceity (ACES) & Gatherings and Zindra Events (GAZE)